Anyway, this week we had some friends come over Friday night and after the kids were in bed we played Guitar Hero for the first time. Morgan did pretty good...but I did better :) tee hee. Actually, I decided that we can never get a PS2 or Guitar Hero because I would likely forget that I have children and play all day long. It was really fun, we played until almost midnight I think.
Then on Saturday we had some other friends over...mentioned on the previous post and we made homemade tortillas and had rice & bean burritos. They were yummy and if you didn't see the last post, I posted the recipe for Sweet Rice that was absolutely delicious. That was pretty much our week.
We did get to go visit Morgan's mom in the hospital after she had her thymectomy (had her thymus removed). It was done on Monday, but we waited to take the kids up until Thursday and she seemed in good spirits then and got to come home Friday, so we'll just keep praying for a healthy and speedy recovery. We love you Grandma!
And I did manage to even capture a few pictures this week:
These were from this morning, Damon wasn't very happy, he was getting hungry.
Logan kept looking at Damon like, "what's the matter dude?"
This is Logan saying "cheese."
We finally got a Bumbo chair. I found it on Ebay for about 1/2 price and it's still in really good shape. I don't think Damon is absolutely ready for it. He still slides around and squirms, but it will sure be nice in a couple more weeks. Logan really likes sitting in it too. We decided for his birthday we want to find him his own little chair or recliner, or something that he can sit in.
Damon is getting so big already, I can't believe how fast he's growing.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes to take pictures of my kids shenanigans. You're boys are so cute!
Goodness gracious! Damon is getting so big! Today, Addie was talking about her “2 little brothers” Thomas and baby Samuel. Then she started to talk about “Annie’s 2 little brothers, Baby Logan and baby Damon…” hehehe….she is so sweet…it’s so sad for me to know that it will be a long while before she get’s to play with them again… until then, she will have to read the blog with me! We love you guys!
Both of your boys are getting so big! Like the pics where Logan's legs are stuck! We need to get together and play games sometime.
Those pictures of Logan in the bouncer and pretty funny. I think any parent would have done the same thing! I bet you will love the bumbo I for sure want one for my next kid because we didn't have one with the girls and I wish we would have.
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