Monday, September 26, 2011

The Park

The past few days have been pretty good. I'm battling a cold/sinus infection which just seems to linger longer when I'm pregnant, but hopefully I'll be able to kick it soon. We still had a pretty fun weekend despite not feeling good...thanks to Tylenol. :)Tragon usually pulls this face whenever the camera comes out. It makes me laugh.
He wants so much to be big boy. His latest antics include pulling out the kitchen chairs, which he can now climb on himself and then climbing on to the table to dance a little jig. It's cute, but when I try to get him he runs around and we've almost had a couple falls, but so far been able to avoid that. It's most annoying when I'm trying to get dinner ready and can't get to him really quick if my hands are messy.
On Saturday we took the kids to the park for a picnic. Mostly to get out of the house because we're sealing our driveway and it was messy and then boys wanted to be outside too. We found this little park not too far from our house and it's usually not too crowded and the boys love it. Tragon loves to try and climb up the slides after his brothers.
Those three boys sure keep me busy and on my toes, even at the park. I don't have to worry about Logan and Damon so much, but man, that Tragon, he sure loves to run around and get in to everything.
He's such a cutey and getting so big I can hardly stand it.
Damon and Logan called this one the train slide because they would go down together like a train.
Logan has a fascination with the camera and loves taking pictures. I think he was in the process of saying please can I have the camera now?
Damon is a lot more brave with his climbing and can do most of the ladders on his own.
This is Logan's silly face that he pulls all the time.
And of course Damon has to copy it. :)
Umm..trying to eat here. :) Actually the boys did pretty good to eat first and then play.
I sure love my family and spending time with them like this. The weather has been gorgeous and I wish that the Fall air would stay longer before it got too cold. We're just trying to enjoy it while it lasts. Hopefully next weekend we'll get to do something fun too with it being Conference Weekend. Until next time....

1 comment:

heidijogoody said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Your boys are just getting so big and they are all so handsome