Friday, September 16, 2011


It finally happened. Living near a new construction site has it's ups and downs, today we experienced a down. There is a pretty big piece of wood out by the side of our house and it had some rusty nails in it. I turned the board over because I couldn't move it on my own, but I kept telling myself that we needed to get rid of it because the kids like to play on it. I usually make sure it's turned over, but this morning I didn't check. It didn't look like it had been tampered with, but it had and lo and behold Damon stepped on a rusty nail that went right through his shoe and into his foot. I knew as soon as I heard the scream what had happened. I ran over, I don't think it went in too deep because he already had his foot off it and there was less than a centimeter sticking out from his shoe that was still stuck. It's probably a good thing that it was his shoes that he could slip out of so he didn't have to sit there with a stuck nail in his foot. Anyway, we got it all cleaned up and there was crying a drama and apparently he doesn't like others besides mommy to witness his pain. Our neighbor was over playing and my friend had just shown up for our Friday morning walk and he screamed at them to all get away. He's fine now and luckily his immunizations are up to date and that included tetanus. He has his 3 year checkup next week so they told me to just keep an eye on it for any signs of infection. Poor kid, he's been a trooper though.


heidijogoody said...

Ouch that is not good.. hope it heals up nicely without infection

heidijogoody said...

Ouch that is not good.. hope it heals up nicely without infection