Sunday, June 19, 2011


Oh, my little Tra, what would we do without you. We are basically done nursing and have been for about a week. 11 months is about all I've been able to make it with my other boys too (their decision, not mine, I would have hung on there one more month). He's doing great with whole milk though (won't touch formula). He LOVES bath time and climbs all over the place. My favorite thing to watch is when he sticks his face in the water and blows bubbles and comes up laughing. He might be my little fish if I ever got him to the swimming pool.

He's a great eater and great sleeper and for the most part is very happy and mild-mannered, but boy howdy can he throw a mean would be annoying if it wasn't so cute. He's very dramatic, especially when it's Damon that is taking something back that Tragon initially stole. :)

He loves his big brothers and always wants to be with them. He is a super fast crawler and will stand on his own if he feels like it and he'll now cruise around the furniture a little. He loves stairs and can go up them like a bullet, but hasn't quite figured out the best way to get down from things. He loves to climb up on the boys' toddler beds and bounce and slide off and do it all over again. I have mixed feelings about him walking, I really want to be able to go outside and not worry about his hands getting all gross and scuffing all his shoes and being in a position where he puts everything from the ground in his mouth, but I know that once he starts walking he might go straight to running and then I'll be spending our days outside chasing him around. :)

Tragon is also a big talker. He always has something to say and we've had some great conversations in the morning when he first wakes up. I love it. I love him, we all do!

1 comment:

heidijogoody said...

He is getting so big! I can't believe how fast the time is going!