Sunday, August 28, 2016

August 22nd - August 28th

We decided to put the trailer to good use and head out to a short campout.  We decided on Coral Pink Sand Dunes because it was close to Kanab where my parents would be for the weekend helping with the Quick Draw shooting at the wild west roundup days there.

 The journey started off pretty well.  We were going through some dirt roads and lost cell service right at Siri says "in __ blank miles, park your car and walk to you destination"  Uhhhhh, uh-oh.  We were scared we had been on the wrong road and we would have to turn around or something.  Luckily we forged ahead and it turns out it was the right road, and it was a 45 minute short cut to get there, whew!
 The weather was perfect when we got there, the kids played around the campsite while I got the coals going for our dutch oven calzones and Morgan got all the tent gear unloaded and set up.  It was starting off to be a great campout.

 The pizzas were delicious and pretty easy to make.  We made the dough ahead of time and just brought all the ingredients to finish with us.
 All the kids ate it.  It was perfect.
 Rlyea loved playing in the sand.
 Jaron loved smashing the sand castles
 Logan and Damon loved exploring and helping with the tents.  That night was when things took a turn for the worse...well depending on who you ask.  We let the boys sleep in their own tent, at least the 3 older boys.  It started raining as we were sitting by the fire, so we all went to bed.  It rain ALL night!!  I loved it, I love the sound of rain on a tent, however, there was a leak that we didn't know about and the futon mattress got SOAKED!  Tender Mercy: we didn't have any muddy scared kids run to our tent in the middle of the night.  In the morning it was pretty chilly, but not too bad.  Tender Mercy: Damon chose cereal for breakfast so it was easy to eat in the tent together without having to cook in the rain in the morning.

 We decided to go check out the dunes before we headed to Kanab to see my parents.  We walked out on the balcony that overlooks the dunes, it was a beautiful foggy morning.  The rain had let up, but it was still a little chilly, I wanted to go back for my coat and Morgan wanted to go back to use the restroom.  Bad Luck: We ran over a nail or something and had a slow leak in the tire.  Tender Mercy: there was another nice couple that stayed to help Morgan while I watched the kids on the dunes for a little while. Bad Luck: One of the lugnuts busted and we couldn't change the tire and our air compressor emergency kit was in the van, not the truck, so our only choice was to hurry and get to Kanab before it got too low...sad that Morgan didn't get to play on the dunes this time.  Tender Mercy: we made it to Kanab without any incident and found a good place where they fixed the tire, they couldn't get the lug nut off either, so he just fixed the hole while the tire was still on.  The nice lady at the grocery store gave us free popcorn and while we were waiting we got to read a chapter of Fablehaven.

 We got to see my parents at the quick draw.  It made my moms day.  We even did a little shooting ourselves...more on that later.  :)

 A little bit out of order, but when I fall behind on the blog, I just want to hurry and catch up, I'll fix it in the book later.  :)  Family Home Evening Logan picked soccer for our activity.

 Rylea was the cheerleader/goalie.
 Damon was "helping" Jaron put his laundry away.

 What the diapers?!
 Rylea the cheeser.
 Ah, yes, the dough for the camping calzones.  It doubled way too fast even in the freezer and totally spilled all over.  We just punched it down and stuck it back in the freezer and it made it just fine.  :)
 At the campsite again.

 Those kids had almost endless energy at the dunes, of course until it was time to hike back, then suddenly they were all exhausted.

 Me and Morgan got to have a quick draw contest.

 I beat him.  Haha, just barely though.  It was really fun.  I want to do some more quick draw shooting.
 Logan, Damon, and Tragon all got to do a target shoot.  They did awesome.

 The evening that we came back we unloaded everything and went to the ward party.  It was really fun, and it was dinner that I didn't have to make.  Bad Luck: the sprinklers came on and got all the tents wet we have to wait until Sunday to put them away.  Tender Mercy: Church is at 2:30 so there will be plenty of time.

Overall, the kids had a blast.  I was cranky before we left, but cheerful and optimistic when we got home, Morgan was happy and patient before we left, but not so happy when we were coming home.  Ultimately though, it was for the kids and they had a lot of fun, even if Morgan thinks it was the worst camping trip he's ever been on.  :)  I love my family and I'm looking forward to more adventures with them.  Sometimes, it's all those things that go wrong that help you remember all the things that went right on the trip.  Until next time....

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