Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Buddy

Since I did a post about Damon, I figured I should do a post about Logan too. This picture is perfect describing him...always into things and figuring out how to get into other things. :)

Logan is 2 years and 2 months old now and is definitely a handful. Just recently he finally learned how to say "truck" and "vacuum." For those of you that know him, you'll know what a feat this is. He's been saying "carT" and "Batmow" for the longest time. It was really cute, but it's nice to know that he really can hear and repeat what we say.

Speaking of repeating things, Logan is a little parrot. He will mimic anything you say or do, especially when it comes to Damon. I've had to be more mindful of the things I do and say now. My favorite though is when someone sneezes Logan will be the first one to say "bless you mama" and then he proceeds to do a fake sneeze and say "bless you Logan" I love it and I didn't even really try to teach him that one, it just happened one day.

Logan loves to run around and be outside and we're still working on the whole listen and not play in the road thing, what can I say, he just loves cars.

Logan definitely tries my patience these days with his yelling and rough-housing and just plain crazy energy and lack of apettite, but he makes up for it with the kisses, hugs, and the now "I wuv you mamas"

I love my boys and couldn't ask for better!


heidijogoody said...

What a cute little kid! It is fun to see what he is up to

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

He is so fun. We will have to get together with the boys to play outside at least once while we are out there again! My parents have a yard they can run around in!