Sunday, April 27, 2008

Oklahoma Adventures Week 38

April 20th - April 27th

For Logan's birthday he got some magnetic letters and we usually just have a mish-mash of them on the fridge (I'm sure half of them are under the fridge by now). Every once in a while, he'll actually get a couple to stick on the fridge after he has sufficiently slobbered on them. Get ready for a lot of pictures this post, I actually remembered our camera when things were happening. And Logan is just so cute I can't get enough of him. :)
That's one of my favorite pictures (above)

It's when he starts eating them, that we take them away, you can't tell, but he just had that letter in his mouth and we told him "no" (the grin is our usual response from him when we say no).
And because he kept trying to eat them and was done playing we had to push the letters up higher so he couldn't reach them anymore. "Please mommy, please, I promise I won't eat them anymore." (That and he saw the camera and really wanted that too)
Logan has gone through a couple phases where he decides he doesn't want to take naps for a couple days. So, I try everything to help him fall asleep on his own, even giving him his bedtime books. He actually did fall asleep about 10 minutes later on his own after very little whining. I tried the book thing again...didn't work, but happy to say, he is back to taking his naps like normal. :)
I finally remembered to bring the camera to the soccer games. Morgan ended up playing 3 games that night. Logan fell asleep on the way there and ended up sleeping through most of the first game (which they won). And it wasn't until Logan woke up that I remember the camera, so I don't really have a lot of pictures during the games.
I know, this is a very unflattering picture of me, but I'm plumpiliciously pregnant and hunched over, what can I say. (hmm, maybe I'll get Fergie to write a song about that, it's kinda catchy). It was really good weather, when the bugs started coming out, I was grateful for the long sleeves, even though it really was too warm for that.
Logan had a blast and did really good for being there so long, we took a picnic dinner and ate on our blanket that Grandma Hadlock made for us. (I love it!) It was Tuesday at the games that Logan finally figured out how to stand up without grabbing on to anything. I think because when he fell he didn't really like to crawl on the grass, so he had no choice, but to figure out how to stand up.

Logan loves his soccer balls, we're definitely going to have to look for a little league team once he's old enough, so I guess a few more weeks now, right. :)
He sets up for the penalty shot.

We have big patches of clovers in our back yard that kick with our toes while sitting on the deck every once in a while when it's good weather, so naturally, when he couldn't play with the soccer balls during the games he went straight for the clover patches.
We really had a blast that night. It was a great break from all the stress of work and school.
When he's not outside, or pulling things off all the shelves, Logan loves to play the piano, no really, I promise, I don't make him, although this picture suggests otherwise. I'll have to save this for when he really gives me that look someday.
He'll finally sit there all by himself, well, for a few minutes anyway, which is nice for to go grab the mail or something, or answer the phone.

See, there's his happy face. :) I think he likes pushing the control buttons right now more than actually playing, he likes it when I come sit by him and play around while he pushes all the buttons and changes the instruments and sounds. He's our little Beethoven, I guess. :) He does love music, and now he even dances around when he hears it.
And finally today! It was Stake Conference, so we were actually home around noon, instead of on our way out the door for church. We had lunch and I've been trying to get Logan to start feeding himself more, but he doesn't really seem to have much interest, so I usually feed him first when I know he needs to eat, then he can pick at the rest while me and Morgan eat.
And, this is how he decided to eat the mac and cheese. :) He's such a cute boy. Well, I hope you enjoyed the pictures we sure do! Have a wonderful week.


Kim said...

Kashlynn thinks NO is a game too. She just smiles and then does it again haha

Shawn, Hayley and Jack said...

Logan is so cute. I need to get some of those ABC magnets. Jack loves to play with things on the refrigerator. It looks like he is walking Yeah! Jack is still not so sure about the walking, he knows he can get there a lot faster if just crawls.

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

That is so cute that he is starting to dance. I am pretty excited for that phase myself, Donovan's cousin Mason dances all the time and I think it is so adorable! We have magnetic toys on our fridge too and Donovan manages to get pieces under our stove (the fridge doesn't have a big enough gap), I think that is his favorite part, throwing them on the ground and seeing where he can stash them. I love little boys, I can't wait to see Logan and Donovan together...someday!

Tosha G said...

He is getting big. He is really adorable. It's amazing how fast they grow up.

heidijogoody said...

Cute little guy. Lily still likes to eat her food like Logan was and she is almost 2 years old :)

Jolene and Ty said...

You have been tagged! Look at my blog for more info.

P.S. What a cute little guy!