Sunday, April 6, 2008

Oklahoma Adventures Week 35

March 30th - April 6th

I'm so glad it was Conference Weekend. It's one of my favorite times of the year. This week was a nice reprieve from last week. It was a little bit slower, which was nice. The weather was up and down, we had sever thunderstorms one day and sunny-warm the next. It was a nice little variety though. We did get some fun pictures, and we have a treat at the end-a video!

Logan still loves playing in the bathroom. We try to keep the door closed, but he somehow sneaks in. We've resorted to taking the toilet paper off the roll and we got a garbage can with a lid, and we have to make sure to keep the lid on the toilet closed. He loves to throw his toys in the bathtub, he's even gone in after them. He just sort of tumbled down the side, no ouchies that time--but this week did provide many.

Logan loves to play with his daddy. Morgan will lay down on the floor and Logan will climb on his back. He hasn't quite mastered the saddle position, but we eventually get him there and he loves to roam around the house on daddy's back and then he gets bucked off onto the bed. He loves it!
And he loves his mommy too! Running around with our boy is hard work and tiring, but so rewarding with those little smiles and moments. He had a couple of ouchies this week and we have learned that he is a tough kid and that he can sure get into trouble in a split second even when we're watching and right there. Sometimes there is just nothing you can do, but make them feel better after they take a tumble or get hurt. Morgan was teaching him the art of camping and showing him how to use the backpacking stove outside...and on the way inside, Logan decided he wanted to taste it. It was a good thing he didn't get it in his mouth, but the hot metal did get his cheek. Luckily, I had started watering our aloe plant again, so it was nice and plump and we had some good aloe to get on there real quick. (I'm usually not a plant person, but at a relief society activity a while back someone brought a whole bunch of aloe plants and said we could take one if we wanted, they also said they were very hard to kill, they were right, I'm very hard on plants and it's still alive, what a blessing). He's got a little burn on his cheek/chin, but I think we'll be able to take care of it without any permanent lasting effects. Then, I think a couple days later he was playing out on the porch with us and took a tumble off the corner..luckily his head hit the dirt instead of the brick, and when he tumbled down farther, he landed in more dirt instead of on the sidewalk, Heavenly Father is surely watching out for this kid.

And finally, the video!!! Logan is such a cruiser and lately we have been working on walking. The first two clips are from March 1st when he was walking with us holding his hands, and then the last two clips are from today! We love our little Logan so much!


Kim said...

Kashlynn starting standing on her own a ton the past two days so we are excited for her to start taking some steps. That is so fun. Good job logan

Lisa said...

Wow, can you believe how much they grow and learn in just a month? Amazing. Logan looks great- what a big guy.

Lisa said...

ah, I remember the toilet phase. It's soooooooo much fun. Next comes flushing, but fortunately the thrill of it seems to wear off fast.

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

I try to keep our bathroom door shut and we have to keep the garbage can on the toilet because that is Donovan's favorite toy in there. That is so great that he is starting to walk. We are all excited for when Donovan can walk, even Donovan! When is Logan's birthday? Donovan and I are thinking of making a trip down there sometime soon.

heidijogoody said...

He is doing so good at the walking thing before you know it he won't give crawling a second thought!