I guess I'm supposed to write seven things about me that you may or may not know about.
I was going to say I have the best wife in the whole world, but that is something everyone already knows about me so I won't include in "the seven items".
1) I have a confession. I have a certain level of
CDO (that's obsessive compulsive disorder
OCD alphabetized). There are somethings that I just like to have a certain way. In the home, I like things to be in their respective places. When they are, I know things are neat and tidy. I get distracted and lose focus when things are not in their place. For example, if I am already in bed at night and I know the remote control is not on its shelf right in front of the TV I will get out of bed and put the remote in its place so I can go to sleep. I also have a little issue when it comes to studying for school. If the house is dirty or cluttered I am not able to study until the house is clean and organized. When that's taken care of I can focus on my studies because a house of disorder is not in the back of my mind. I will clean an entire house before studying. It's a real problem.
2) My favorite smell in the whole world is my wife. She just smells so good all the time. Man I love those Pheromones. I think my son Logan also carries my wife's smell because Annie holds Logan most of the time because I have school and work. Sometimes when I hold Logan close he smells like Annie. When I've had a really bad day I know exactly what I need. I just hold Annie and Logan close and remember all that is really good in my life.
3) My least favorite smell in the whole world is the dirty-dish-rag smell. You know that dirty old dish rag you left in the sink the previous night after washing dishes and cleaning tables and
counter tops. The smell of that rag the following day is the most foul smell on earth. Needless to say, I do all I can to avoid having to confront that smell. Right after we are finished with the rag it is
thoroughly rinsed with Dawn and hot water, and it goes straight to the hamper. It's never left in the sink anymore. This results in us going through several dish rags in a week.
4) Those who know me know I can be stubborn and determined. This can be good and bad. For example, when I first became an x-ray tech, I was very determined to move on to my bachelor's degree in Radiation Therapy, and even more determined to become a Medical
Dosimetrist. I wasn't willing to wait around for an opportunity to be trained-on-the-job in
dosimetry. I was so determined that I picked up and moved my family all the way to Oklahoma to attend a Master's degree program here at
OU. This is good.
However, I can also be very stubborn. I often want to purchase items that would be really fun to have but in no means are they necessary. Most of the time I want these items just to have them "just in case" I might need them later. This drives my wife crazy. She gets especially crazy when this obsession deals with shoes. Lately I've been wanting to buy a pair of indoor soccer shoes (court and/or turf shoes). I don't play indoor soccer, nor do I have plans in the near future. But I know down the road I really want to get into some kind of league for indoor soccer in the winter and outdoor soccer in the summer/fall. I don't have time to play now, but I will some day. For some reason I want the shoes now. This results in me spending too much time looking at the shoes I want on the
Internet. I know the exact pair of turf shoes and the exact pair of court shoes I want. I just keep looking them up and looking for a better deal. This usually consumes me until I have the shoes in hand. Once I get what I want the obsession is over and I tell myself I have everything I could possibly want. But eventually I find something else I must have that I can't believe I've been living without. Then the cycle starts all over again. I try to explain to my wife that the obsessions will be much shorter if she just lets me buy the items I demand. Somehow she puts up with my bull-
headedness and every once in a while I'll forget about what I wanted to buy.
5) This leads to my 5
th item. I am a total wanna be soccer player. I've barely played in my lifetime and the times I have played its not like I'm super good. In high school I ran cross-country and track and field. This left no time for soccer. I was always interested in playing, but by then (without experience) I wasn't going to make the team. I've always felt that I would have been really good at soccer had I played it in my youth as much as I played baseball. I feel like I have the physical build and endurance for soccer, I just haven't had the opportunity to play or join a league after high-school. My wife and her brothers all played soccer growing up and they are all really good. In fact, Annie has some friends that we played some co-ed pick-up games with last summer. One of her friends is
Cambree, and she is really good. She could always find a way to get the ball past me. I had lots of fun playing those pick-up games, even when the girls were better than me. The only thing I had on these girls was speed. It was fun to show off how fast I could run. I want to join a
league now, but it seems like soccer leagues are this secret society and the only way to know about when and where to join
leagues is if you've played all your life and you are really good at soccer. Apparently it helps to speak
6) I'm not a huge candy junkie like my wife is. I really like cookies, brownies, ice-cream, and some pies. But I don't enjoy candies that are sugary, sticky, hard, or chewy. I think it's mostly a texture thing. Anyway....I always feel like I have to end the day with some kind of treat (usually a cookie or some ice-cream). If I have my treat after lunch it just isn't enough. The treat has to come after dinner and before bed-time.
7) I hate sounding boastful, but I'm pretty good at country swing dancing. It's a hobby I enjoyed a great deal before getting married. I went twice a week faithfully to a local swing dancing scene back in Salt Lake. This means I love Country music along with other choice genres. However, my wife doesn't particularly enjoy Country music. In fact she doesn't really like the dancing either. So I haven't been doing much swing dancing since I met Annie.
Actually I think Annie would like the dancing part, but it's the part about dancing in front of crowds where other people are watching that she doesn't like. She actually does like some country music but I just need to get her to dance to the songs she likes. Some day she'll come around.
That's seven things you may or may not have known about me. -Morgan-