Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Re-cap

Cute baby Rylea is so much fun.  I have way too much fun playing dress up with her.
Damon took a knock to his face on his scooter going down the driveway.

His lip got super swollen, I was worried about it, so Morgan took him into Instacare, they said he was fine, but got after Morgan about him not having a helmet...really, it was a rare thing that he didn't have his helmet on (my kids are pretty good at remembering helmets) and the scooter hit his face, nothing a helmet could have done to protect on that one.  He still has a small scar from the incident.

Logan's first day of 2nd Grade.  Man, he's growing up.

Damon's first day of Kindergarten.  He was so excited for school
More fun pictures of little Miss Cutie Cute Cute.
Tragon and Jaron got to go on a little date with Mommy after Tragon preschool orientation was done.

Our neighbor found a scorpion in her garage.  I took it to the boys classes at school, then gave it to my mom to show her class too.

Oh yeah, Tragon broke his arm this year too!!!  Just a small squish of a break.  He was playing around on the couches in the living room, most likely trying to get to the blind cords on the windows.  We heard the crash and I took him in the next day when his arm still hurt.

Super Rylea, this girl has already won her Daddy's heart.

We went on a picnic to Kolob with my family.  It was still pretty hot, but we had lots of fun doing a Smartie scavenger hunt and little hike to the overlook.

Logan will photo-bomb about every picture he can....and his sister loves him.  He's an amazing big brother.
Damon turned 6!  I know he deserves a separate post all on his own because he is one amazing kid, but I'm afraid if I try and do too many posts I won't get anything up.  :)

We just had a little get together with family for cake and ice cream.  This boy is amazingly smart and can be one of the hardest workers I know.  He loves his brothers and sister and has even started piano and is doing great.

Tragon's cast was on too tight (I tried to tell the doc it needed to be replaced, but no they said, just wait a couple more weeks and we'll take it off they said).  Anyway, it looked way worse in real life and lasted about a week before all the dots went away.
Jar-Bear, what's on your finger?  Poo he says, yes, he stuck his hand in his diaper...gross, and it had already kind of been a crappy day (haha) if I remember correctly.  Don't worry, it's not poo on his face too, that was Nutella.

Our little pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  We had an amazing storm come in and in the morning there was a triple rainbow.  It was pretty awesome.  We all ran out in our pajamas (well the boys did anyway) and watched the rainbow come to light and fade away again.  It was really cool.

And, I've become super girly now with hair accessories for my bald beauty.  I love making headbands and bows and clips.  Someday she'll thank me.  ;)

Until next time...during our next month re-cap...

1 comment:

heidijogoody said...

Looks like a great month with some crazy things happening. Rylea is just adorable and those bows you made were darn cute too. You should sale them :)