Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Briefly Long Re-Cap Part 2

So to continue from the last post.  In our temporary basement apartment we had all the boys in one room for a while, but it was getting a little frustrated with this little guy...Tragon.  He is my night owl, especially if he gets any sort of nap during the day.  We were finally able to get the boys separated and keep Logan/Damon and Tragon/Jaron.  Jaron usually goes to bed first and is asleep before Tragon even goes in and he will usually stay asleep through all Tragon's shenanigans.

We love getting snow cones and I think we have gotten one almost everyday since we moved here.  Never again will I let them get blue raspberry though.  :)  I think he woke up with a blue mouth too.  He loved it though, I'm a huge fan of the invisible flavors though. Invisible Grape and Cherry don't have any dye in them, thus only a sticky mess instead of a sticky and stained mess.
We were playing in the backyard and Tragon thought it would be a good idea to dump a bucket of ash and dirt on Jaron.  Surprisingly Bear didn't seem to mind...until I got him down to his diaper and had to hose him off.  His hair went black from all the soot and ash as I was cleaning him off.

I hope the videos worked out.  Just some random stuff from our last few weeks.  I'm really looking forward to getting settled down here again, I'll be doing good if we can find a house by Christmas.  :)  Until next time....when I have more detailed and fun posts.....

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