The blockheads were a good idea in theory (that and it's what they really wanted to's from Gumby...long story). The problem was when you get all squished together at the doorsteps, the huge heads get in the way and get knocked off, etc.
So, by about the third or fourth house we just took them off and had to explain the year we'll simplify. After Halloween I also bought a few decorations and decided it's time to start getting that sort of stuff for the holidays. The boys are starting to get more into it. I found a few things that were worth buying from the after Halloween sale, so I'm actually looking forward more to next year.
I sure love all my boys and I am so grateful for them. They each bring a special love and personality to our home. Logan is doing really well in school and really liking it now. Damon loves playing with his friends and loves to ride his scooter and be outside. Tragon just loves to be doing anything...or watching Thomas and Friends. Bear is going up the stairs like a champ and scooting on everything, he'll be walking shortly I'm sure. And Morgan, what can a say about the best husband and father ever. I'm so grateful to have him by my side.
We started a new FHE tradition, at least for the next 9 months. We're going to focus on one "be" each month and of course "Be Grateful" was perfect for the month of November. I'll have to post when it's done, but our tree is almost completely filled up of things we are thankful for from Construction Workers and puzzles to our Savior and the Scriptures.
The boys have really latched on to the idea so I'm hoping we can make it stick. Our biggest goal for the next year is to really imprint FHE on our family and make it a habit that is not so easy to break anymore. I feel like the rest will come if we are at least doing that. Each month we'll also have a picture of a different prophet up so we can talk about him too. So far, so good. :)
I'm sure there was a lot more that went on this month...we each had a birthday, the election, school breaks, etc and more, but I think I've highlighted the biggest things, so we'll just move on from here and try to get in a post a week again. Until next time...
1 comment:
It is so crazy to see all those boys. They are all getting so big I bet you have some crazy times over there at your house!
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