Monday, May 9, 2011

Itty Bitty Baseball

Today Logan started his Itty Bitty Baseball program. It's 3 days a week for 2 weeks and an hour a day where they get to go and do little baseball drills. It was so fun. We got there and Logan was being really shy, so I stayed by him while they were doing the stretching and after a few minutes he warmed up to things and I asked him if I could go sit down and he said, "it's okay mom, I'm okay, I'm not going to be shy to anyone" I was so proud!

I also ran into a friend that I hadn't seen for probably 5-6 years. We had been living in the same ward just after we had both gotten married and both moved out about the same time. I found out we both ended up in the Midwest, they were in Nebraska and we were in Oklahoma for a while and then we both ended up in Lehi of all places. It was fun to get re-acquainted and we have kids about the same ages.

On the way home from the baseball, Logan got some treats and he was so excited to eat them while we watched a movie and said, "Mom, I got two treats from baseball, I'm going to share one with Damon while we watch, The Little Engine that Could" again, I couldn't have been more proud. :)

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