Friday, April 22, 2011

New Addition

Tragon has a new addition to his mouth, his first tooth! It happened last Sunday during Sacrament meeting....maybe not happened, but that's when we noticed. Morgan was trying to fish something out of his mouth and looked over and said, "I think that's a tooth" Yay for justification for all the latest fussiness. :) Tragon is almost crawling and almost pulling himself up on things. He took his first spill down the stairs and scared us both to death, but he was fine. I think that's three for three on the stairs they've each had a fall, you'd think I'd be a little more diligent after the first child, we do need another gate for the stairs now.

Damon has an awesome accent, kind of New York, Brooklyn maybe, I have no idea where he got it, but ask him to say park, and it's more like Pawk, it's hilarious. If Damon is throwing a tantrum I usually give him a few minutes and then ask if he's done crying, most the time he'll say, "No, I want to cry more" and he'll proceed with a few more fake cries and then in a nice sweet voice, "I'm all done crying, wipe my tears"

Logan woke up early while Morgan was still eating breakfast this morning. He got him a bowl of cereal and starting eating, but then needed to go to the bathroom, but before he left he looked at Morgan really serious and said, "Now, Daddy, don't eat my cereal." Then we he got back, he looked at his bowl, chair, and then Morgan. He slid them away about a foot, then he was satisfied. You had to be there, it was too good. Then we were talking about how Grandma was coming up and would be here for dinner and we'd have pizza and he says, "Is it it pepperoni, or anchovy, I don't like anchovy, it's poop."

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